英语测试学chapter 2



Chapter 2Test Functions and Test Categories


Test functions Pedagogical functions Research functions


Pedagogical functions The fundamental use of testing in pedagogical functions is to provide information for making decisions, that is, for evaluation. Decisions about selection of students -whether or not students should enter the continuing learning program. (Nation-wide University Entrance Examination) Decisions about placement of students -to make decisions regarding the division of students into appropriate groups.


Pedagogical functions Decisions about diagnosis of teaching and learning -to diagnose student’s strengths and weaknesses and reveal teaching problems. Decisions about student learning progress -teacher and students need the feedback -short tests, classroom tests, and quizzes Decisions about teaching programs -to make appropriate program and improve teaching effectiveness.


Research functions Research into the nature of language proficiency Research into the language processing Research into examination of the nature of language acquisition Research into language teaching


Research functions Research into language attrition or loss -This may refer to the loss of a second or foreign language after instruction, such as often occurs in settings where the language is not used in the communication. Language attrition may also refer to the loss of a first or second language due to ageing.


Test categories


The following discussion is based on Hughes (1995) who has made detailed and thorough study on kinds of tests.


To categorize tests on the basis of test purpose :

proficiency(水平), (水平) achievement(学业), (学业) diagnostic(诊断) (诊断) and placement(分级). (分级)


Proficiency tests are designed to measure learners’ general level of language mastery. (selection tests) never based on the contents or goals of language courses never related to any curriculum or teaching plans based on a specification of what candidates have to be able to do in the language in order to be considered proficient” (Hughes 1995: 9).


Proficiency tests (continue)Proficiency tests are usually standardized tests that are used worldwide, nationwide and schoolsometimes school-wide. TOEFL, IELTS, PETS, etc. are such tests. The purpose of these tests is to see whether candidates have reached a certain standard in terms of certain specific abilities.


Achievement tests are designed to measure how much ofa language learners have learned with respect to a particular language course or program. So achievement is directly related to specific language teaching. The purpose is to see how successful learners and also the course teaching have been in achieving objectives. Achievement tests can discipline students to be attentive and committed to class teaching and learning.



它是一种正式的回顾型测试(formal tests), revision tests),旨在了解学生过去较长 的一段时间内学业上有何成就。 的一段时间内学业上有何成就。 学业成就测试的命题(test making),通 学业成就测试的命题(test making), 常以教学大纲(teaching syllabus)、 常以教学大纲(teaching syllabus)、教 学计划( 学计划(teaching plan )及学生使用的教 (textbook)为依据 为依据。 材(textbook)为依据。


Achievement tests (continue) There are two kinds of achievement tests: final and progress. There are advantages to achievement tests. First, such tests give teachers a clear picture of how much students have achieved. Second, teachers figure out problems in both students’ teaching and students learning and work out solutions. Third, such tests can also make course designer to consider course objectives to make them clearer and more specific so that test writers, teachers and students all feel clear where to work toward.


Achievement tests (continue) The disadvantages of achievement tests are threefold. First, the test results can be misleading if the syllabus is badly designed and if the textbook is not well chosen. Second, achievement tests may encourage onlymechanical and only-knowledge learning. Third, achievement tests will compel students to focus on textbooks for more than necessary time, which deprives students of acquired learning and autonomous learning to their own learning styles and learning pace.


Placement tests are designed to provide information used to place students at an appropriate level in a program or course. A typical purpose is to assign differentstudents to different-level classes. So what is crucial of placement tests is not their content but their purpose.


它是为了把学生按照程度(English 它是为了把学生按照程度(English level)分班或者分组而举行的测试 分班或者分组而举行的测试。 level)分班或者分组而举行的测试。 分级测试常用于新生分班。 分级测试常用于新生分班。


Diagnostic tests are designed to identify learners learners’ strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of such tests is to find out problems and decide what to teach and how to teach next. Take a diagnostic pronunciation test as an example. Through the test, teachers can know what problems students have in pronunciation so that teachers can design related pronunciation activities in their teaching.


其目的是借助测试检查了解学生掌握所 学知识的质量, 学知识的质量,取得反馈信息 …… 此处隐藏:3597字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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