

Explain its importance

Include details and examples

2. Quickly decide on a topic.

It is easy to run out of preparation time while trying to

decide what topic within the given category you will discuss.Quickly choose a topic and start thinking about the examplesand details you can include for that particular topic. Remember,examiners are not interested in what the topic is but in how wellyou can express yourself.

3. Restate the task to include the topic that you ate going tospeak about.

For the task in Strategy 1 above, you might choose to focuson the skill of touch-typing. Your restatement could be:

have learned how to touch-type, and this has been veryimportant during my studies.

4. Work through your mental list of requirements.

For the task in Strategy 1 above, your list might be:

Name the skill. You have already named the skill in yourrestatement of the task statement.

Define the skill. Ask yourself if you need to define your topic.Will the listener know about the topic you have chosen?

Explain the importance to you of the topic you have chosen.Include details and examples from your own experience.

5. Know your goal.

When studying, record your speech and make a transcript,writing it exactly as you said it. Then make improvements to it:correct mistakes, eliminate long hesitations, and replace words orrephrase sentences to avoid repetition. Practice reading thecorrected version aloud, and time yourself. Read it again whiletiming yourself, and stop reading at 45 seconds. How far did youget?

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