大学英语精读第三版第四册Book4 Unit5答案 上海外



大学英语精读第三版第四册Book4 Unit5答案 上海外语教育出版社 董亚芬主编

1) in eyes

2) brutal

3) promote

4) Contrary to

5) Corruption

6) betrayed

7) brings to a close

8) risked

9) in the long run

10) distorted

11) utters

12) At times

1) tolerate

2) went to great lengths

3) was rendered

4) in the eyes of

5) concealed

6) refrain from

7) concerning

8) injure

9) slip into

10) professional

11) invaded

12) arises

13) took his leave

14) day after day

15) minimize

1) differs from

2) contributing to

3) shelter from

4) go on

5) has slipped into

6) hoping for

7) refrain from

8) pressing for

1) Mr. Park is a strong advocate of free market policies.

2) The new way to treat arthritis provides an alternative to painkillers.

3) Please refrain from using such coarse language when talking to innocent young


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