Thee are many things causes of traffic accidents(3)
does drunk driving cause us to not be alert, so also do other things such attempting to drive without getting enough sleep, and being of older age. Whatever, the reason, it is best that we are fit and prepared mentally and physically to drive.
Doing Things While Driving
Another common reason why people get into car accident is attempting to do things while driving. If you have a cell phone, make sure you use an ear piece. Get all controls in your car voice activated and sensitive so you don't have to take your eyes off the road just to change the station. Also, try to avoid eating things that require lots of attention. Many times we try to do some things at once, and obviously that will affect our focus while driving.
Not Enough Experience
Many young teenagers get into accidents because they don't have enough experience being behind the wheel. Start out small and work your way up. If a person has never driven on the highway, make them first drive on a normal road. Make sure the person has enough experience to drive in the big city. It is for this reason that