

w what you fail to do make them feel.”

三 判断对错对话
原文:It's important to be a good citizen wherever you may find yourself, by following the rules of that place. The Internet is a "place" with its own very special rules. People who communicate over the Internet are called "cybercitizens." It's important to learn the rules of the Internet before you log on, so that you can be a "good cybercitizen." The following story describes a situation that you might find yourself in while "surfing" the Internet.
Your friend Mike brags that he can break into any computer there is! He figures out how to get into a computer network, and then he can read anybody's email or even send fake email from someone else's account. He says this is really fun, and he wants you to help him get into the computer at school.
What would you do in this situation?
Do you take Mike to talk with a grown-up that you trust who will help to convince him not to do this? Or help Mike get into the computer system, but stop him from doing any damage? Or help Mike get into the computer system and then play “joke” on people by changing their grades?
Breaking into computers is NOT a game: it's a very serious crime. Mike could be arrested if he did not stop. By telling an adult, and preventing Mike from breaking into the school computers, you have probably saved your school a lot of money, which they can use on other things like new sports equipment, or even new computers.
四 短文理解
原文:When you allow your cat to roam freely outside, you not only expose a beloved companion to potential harm, but you also affect the people and animals in your community. At the very least, your cat may dig in your neighbors' flower beds and leave its wastes in their kids' sandboxes. But free-roaming cats also have far more serious effects.
Local governments spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year controlling stray animals. Although most animal control laws were passed to protect citizens from stray dogs, cats are now a major focus of animal care and control agencies, which collectively shelter millions of lost and homeless cats each year and respond to thousands of cat-related complaints.
Cats, who roam, particularly after dark, are likely to come into contact with night creatures that are the primary transmitters of rabies, which is an infectious disease causing madness in dogs, wolves and other animals in the wild. As a result, cats are now the most common domestic transmitters of rabies, with 278 cases reported in the United States in 1999.
Free-roaming cats kill millions of wild animals each year. Well-fed housecats kill wildlife because of their instinct to hunt prey, not because they need the food. Cats are not a part of natural ecosystems, and their hunting and killing causes unnecessary de
ath to wild animals. This can cause conflicts among neighbors, pitting gardeners and bird lovers against cat owners who allow their charges to r

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