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8 construction of a new gymnasium.

9.But for his personal visits to the third-world countries, he would not

have believed such disparity in the living standards between the rich and the poor.

10.N o one came to claim the welfare lottery bonus of 5 million yuan

RMB, not even to the last day.

Exercises for integrated skills


A major topic of sociolinguistics is the connection, if any, between the structures, vocabularies, and ways of using particular languages and the social roles of the men and women who speak these languages. Do the men and women who speak a particular language use it in different ways? If they do, do these differences arise from the structure of that language, or alternately, do any differences that exist simply reflect the ways in which the sexes relate to each other in that society, whatever the reason? These issues have generated a considerable amount of thought and discussion in the last decades of the twentieth century.


Restricted, where, when, items, drew, vocabulary, male, marked, with, source

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