50期 903英语机考题目汇编(8)
C. tide is reaching to a highest level
D. tide is reaching to a lowest level
37[5569]After transferring a weight forward on a vessel,the draft at the
center of flotation will ______.
A. change,depending on the location of the LCG
B. increase
C. decrease
D. remain constant
38[5575]If the buoyant force on a ship's hull is equal to the displacement
tonnage,the ship will ______.
A. require ballast
B. be down by the head
C. sink
D. float
39[5588]Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the ______.
A. roll period
B. metacentric height
C. waterplane area
D. vessel's draft
40 2116 How should you signal the crane operator to raise the boom?( 老题库)
A. Extend arm with the thumb pointing up and flex the fingers in and out.
B. Place both fists in front of the body with the thumbs pointing upward.
C. With forearm vertical and forefinger pointing up, move hand in small horizontal circles.