信和置业 2012-2013 中期报告


信和置业 2012-2013 中期报告

信和置业 2012-2013 中期报告

This interim report (“Interim Report”) (in both English and Chinese versions) has been posted on the Company’s website at . Shareholders who have chosen to rely on copies of the Corporate Communications (including but not limited to annual report, summary financial report (where applicable), interim report, summary interim report (where applicable), notice of meeting, listing document, circular and proxy form) posted on the Company’s website in lieu of any or all the printed copies thereof may request printed copy of the Interim Report.

Shareholders who have chosen to receive the Corporate Communications using electronic means through the Company’s website and who have difficulty in receiving or gaining access to the Interim Report posted on the Company’s website will upon request be sent the Interim Report in printed form free of charge.

Shareholders may at any time choose to change their choice of language and means of receipt (i.e. in printed form or by electronic means through the Company’s website) of all future Corporate Communications from the Company by giving notice in writing by post to the Company’s Share Registrars, Tricor Standard Limited at 26th F loor, Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong or by email at sinoland83-ecom@.

28 26 sinoland83-ecom@

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