


Part I Listening Comprehension


Part II Vocabulary and Structure

31—35 BCCBD 36—40 DAACB 41—45 BAABC

Part III Cloze

46. reduce 47. suffering 48. difference 49. increase

50. turning 51. cooling 52. limit 53. pollution 54. fill

55. taking

Part IV Reading Comprehension

Section A

56. empathy 57. togetherness 58. characters 59. desire

60. instructive

Section B

61—63 TTF

64. They choose an important news event and entertain viewers by reporting on it 24 hours-a-day for days and sometimes weeks.

65. They appeal to people’s curiosity and their desire to know all about something. / The shows are exciting and they hold the attention of the audience.

Section C

66. hands-on activities 67. Royal Mile 68. a telescope 69. D

70. C

Section D

71. Because of the increased traffic and fatigued climbers.

72. To restore Mount Everest to its pristine state.

73. In the year of 1953.



Part V Translation

76. Figures indicate/Data shows that the reduced effort results in a reduced commitment to the project.

77. The advocate of low carbon society refers to the reduction of consumption.

78. Some people enjoy saving money, whereas others prefer spending all their money to travel around the world.

79. His knowledge in computer science is adequate for the new project.

80. Under no circumstances will the Chinese government give up the country’s sovereignty to the Diaoyu Islands.

Part VI Error Correction

81. complaining → complain

82. having word → having a word

83. as → to

84. fund → refund


86. with → by

87. you still → you are still

88. let → letting


90. best → first

Part VII IQ Test

91. threw; through 92. Age before beauty. 93. Colin does ironing on Wednesday 94. PERU 95. B

Part VIII Writing


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