年 月 日
目 录
摘 要 ........................................................ II Abstract ...................................................... II 1 绪论 ......................................................... 1
1.1 背景 .............................................................. 1 1.2 目的 .............................................................. 1 1.3 意义 .............................................................. 1 1.4 内容 .............................................................. 1
2 设计方案简述 ................................................. 2
2.1系统框架 .......................................................... 2 2.2功能分析 .......................................................... 3 2.3需求分析 .......................................................... 3
3 详细设计 ..................................................... 4
3.1、模块设计与分析 ................................................... 4 3.2、类的设计与分析 ................................................... 5 3.3、特色算法分析 ..................................................... 6
4 设计结果及分析 ............................................... 8
4.1功能测试 .......................................................... 8 4.2存在的缺陷和优点 ................................................. 13
5 总结 ........................................................ 14 参考文献 ...................................................... 14 附录:程序源代码 .............................................. 15
摘 要
本系统主要完成对学生成绩的管理,包括添加、修改、删除,查询,打印信息以用户管理等六个方面。系统可以完成对各类信息的浏览、查询、添加、删除、修改等功能。 系统的核心是添加、修改和删除三者之间的联系,每一个表的修改都将联动的影响其它的表,当完成添加或删除操作时系统会自动地完成学生成绩的修改。查询功能也是系统的核心之一,在系统中主要根据学生姓名和学号进行查询,其目的都是为了方便用户使用。系统有完整的用户添加、删除和密码修改功能,并具备报表打印功能。
系统采用Microsoft Office中的Access 2000来设计数据库,并使用当前优秀的开发工具—VB 6.0,它有着最为灵活的数据库结构,对数据库应用有着良好的支持。 论文主要介绍了本课题的开发背景,所要完成的功能和开发的过程。重点的说明了系统设计的重点、设计思想、难点技术和解决方案。 关键词:MIS;VB 6.0;学生成绩管理系统
In modern, high-tech leap in the development of a large number of popular computer, making it faster and faster pace of life. Therefore, the education sector for effective multi-information management, has become the top priority in the education industry. Currently, school complex, multi-weight data, although the various types of management information system has entered the university, but not yet universal, and for student performance management, the current does not have a complete, unified system. Academic staff for the university to reduce negative and enhance efficiency, so make the student achievement management system.
Student performance management system development requirements based on the education system is mainly used to complete the education of students on the daily performance management of digital files. Systematically to the Senate, the teaching service and information management, data management, more modern, automated, intelligent, humane. At the same time, reducing the workload of University academic staff management, reduce costs, improve efficiency and accuracy, it has become more organized, scientific, for the education sector has made tremendous contributions, but also for today's private education competitiveness in the future increased.
Student performance management system uses a new concept of performance management system from a sound basis for information management, and to create a new user, has created scores of data input, modification, browsing, statistics, functional operation, able to basically meet the needs of university teachers needs
Keywords:Multi-information;management system; performance data
1 绪论
1.1 背景
1.2 目的
1、使用本系统将大大提高学院教务人员管理业务的处理效率; 2、提高成绩信息数据的准确性和安全性;
1.3 意义
C++是实践性很强的课程。课程设计是加强学生实践能力的一个强有力手段。课程设计要求学生在完成程序设计的同时能够写出比较规范 …… 此处隐藏:6746字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……
上一篇:压力管道安全管理制度 (2)