Which teaching form will be predominant, blackboard or
Introduction: Nowadays, we are in a world that’s accelerated by information technology and changes have taken places in everything. So have education. The effects brought by it are so great that nothing can compare with it. Gradually, the multimedia teaching form has been a tendency which originated as a fashion. An evolution in teaching has raised a argument that can it occur that multimedia will replace the blackboard as a traditional teaching form. In this paper, I will explore the argument.
Key words: Multimedia, Blackboard, Teaching Form
Abstract: In this paper, I shall first explore some advantages of multimedia teaching form in section 1 while I shall dig out some disadvantages of it because of its improper usage. Then it comes with the blackboard in section 2 which includes some comparisons with multimedia teaching form. Lastly, the answer will be given in my opinions and cone to a conclusion.
Section1: Multimedia teaching form can provide with better teaching environment.
As is known, Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term is used in contrast to media which only use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content forms (it comes from Wikipedia). Thus it makes it possible that students in class can avoid boring words and complex relations between various objects as well as some other details that are difficult to get it because teachers can turn them into vivid and lively form that are easy for students to absorb completely. That is to say multimedia can produce sensory stimulation to help students to understand and remember better so that is can intrigue the student’s interest in study and keep them hungry about knowledge. As a matter a fact, students will be more and more active and finally can acquire anything they desire to without teachers. That is the final purpose of education. Of course, it is that difficult to keep students curious about everything all the time.
On top of it, the capacity of knowledge taught in class is very large, which corresponds to the limitations of the time spent in class for colleague teachers. In humanities, it needs to present so many materials in class which is impossible for the traditional teaching form. So multimedia is the best way to help teachers to solve the challenge. To students, it improves the efficiency and save a lot of time to study some other subjects which may deserve your intelligence a lot.
What‘s more, students can learn a lot in class while they enjoy the visual and aural feast at the same time. I suppose that is the excellent way both teachers and
students to teach and study
Section 2: Sometimes multimedia teaching form also has its disadvantages.
Since multimedia is so helpful, can we say it is complete totally? Definitely the answer is no. For example, in physics class, if teachers only use PPT to introduce gravitation formula, students can’t grasp the core of it because when the teacher click the PPT, the screen will present the final result immediately and there is no time left for students to think about it. So the only thing students can do is accepting it. If so, the efficiency of studying is much lower because PPT ignores the participations and initiatives of students. In addition, if teachers choose wrong materials, such as something that doesn’t correspond to the content or students’ level, the student’s enthusiasm must decline which contributes to the bad result of teaching.
Multimedia teaching form does have its advantages but that is under the circumstance where it is used properly. So use it in the right way.
Section3: Blackboard also has its own features and advantages compared with modern forms.
When I was a child, teacher had to write everything in the blackboard using chopsticks. Maybe it wasn’t so vivid but it helped us understand better following the teacher’s mind which is to say we were experiencing the process by ourselves and we can exactly know how on earth it works, especially in the science class. Now multimedia enters class and many teachers use it frequently while the blackboard is always lying there doing nothing. Although it brings vigor to the education, it doesn’t mean the teaching quality and result will be better if using more advanced teaching facilities. We know the teacher who’s using blackboard leaves enough time for students to think about it and the attrition of students will be focused on the steps of teacher’s derivation. It seems that students himself derivate formula step by step and he will master it completely, not like the situation where students see the whole results presented in the screen after clicking.
So, blackboard offers a stage for both the students and teachers to exchange ideas and experiencing the deviating process together. In contrast, if teacher multimedia teaching form and ignores the deviating process, the students can be the object that’s applied to by it and the teachers can be the dependencies of it. That is the tragedy of education. That is horrible.
Section4:How to teach well recently
Now, we clearly know the answer. There is no way for multimedia to replace blackboard, at least, it is obviously clear recently. I think this situation requests us to combine both of them to create a new excellent teaching form which serves us well. No one form can work so well under any circumstance without the other one. So it requests teachers to choose the right way according to what is taught and the students’ opinions.