EHS Awareness Training EHS 意识培训
Environmental, Health and Safety Introduction / Awareness Training 环境、职业健康与安全介绍/安全意识培训
EHS Training
Guidance From : Scott Gardner EHS Manager CDIY Distribution Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Presented By : Sachin Wagh Manager Quality Black & Decker India Pvt Ltd.
AGENDA 议程Expectations 愿景 EHS “House” EHS“房屋” Safe and Healthy Work Environment 安全健康的工作环境 Do The Right Thing 做正确的事 Proper Lifting 正确地搬运 5S 5S现场管理 Slips, Trips and Falls 滑倒、绊倒和跌倒/坠落 Ergonomics 人机工程 Fire / Emergency Response 消防/紧急响应 CPR & First Aid 心肺复苏和急救 Cuts & Other Hazards 刀伤和其他风险 Shipping Batteries, etc 电池的运输等 What To Do If A Regulator Walks Up 如何应对监察员的来访 Save The Planet 拯救地球
Introduction 介绍“We, as the Operations Vice Presidents and/or Directors, along with the Division Presidents, (EHS Council) Commitment Statement... Securing a Business are committed to ensuring that sufficient resources are available to the respective Senior (Plant) Managers to properly implement the Corporate EHS Management System Plan at each SG&A facility and to achieve corporate-wide goals and objectives”. Which are as follows:我们,作为营运副总裁和/或总监,与事业部总裁共同承诺:确保各SG&A 工厂的高级(工厂)经理为贯彻落实总公司EHS管理体系,以达成集团总 体目标指标而获得足够的资源。EHS目标指标如下: Currently : 0.23 2012 Roadmap Scorecard goal of 0.70, with no site finishing less than 0.32. 2012年Roadmap得分:0.70,没有分数小于0.32的工厂; Maintain (or better) a Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) of 0.40 . 保持(或改善)可记录工伤事故率(TRIR):0.40; Maintain (or better) a Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) of 0.10. 保持(或改善)失时事故率(LTIR):0.10; Document SG&A data (solid waste, energy consumption, water usage levels). 建立SG&A工厂的数据库(废弃物、能源消耗、水利用水平)Currently : 0.00 Currently : 0.00
Approved by: EHS Council May 31, 2012Gopal Balasubramaniam, EF Bentley Craig, CRC E Dave Donald, CDIY HTF Deb Geyer, Corporate Jim Kelly, Hyd
Joe Linguadoca, CDIY PT Tony Milando, IAR Deborah Patterson , Corporate Mike Prado, Corporate Mark Rutherford, SHS
Kevin Rynn, EF Steve Stafstrom, CDIY Stan St. John, SSS Joe Voelker, Corporate Henk Vyncke, CDIY
Business Conduct Guidelines 商业操守指南
“Every employee must be trained to perform worksafely. All employees are responsible for knowing and following the safety practices described to them. Should an employee feel inadequately trained to perform a certain task, he or she must immediately discuss the concern with his or her supervisor.” “每个员工必须接受培训以确保能安全地工作。 所有员工都有责任知道并遵
守所告知的安全措施。 如果员工感觉到培训不足,难以去完成工作任务, 他或她须立即与他或她的主管进行讨论。”(Stanley Black & Decker Business Conduct Guidelines 史丹利百得商业操守指南)
What’s Expected 期望
Stanley Black and Decker is committed to providing every employee with a safe and healthy work place while minimizing our impact to the environment we live in. 史丹利百得承诺为每位员工提供一个安全健康的工作环境,同时最大可能地减 少对我们赖以生存环境的影响。 We expect you to conduct yourselves appropriately- do the right thing 我们期望你恰当地进行自我管理-做正确的事 – Watch for hazards, take care of them immediately or notify proper department to have repairs made. – 发现危险源,立即消除或通知相关部门处置; – Be safe – no job is so important we should take shortcuts, but if you should get injured report it immediately no matter how minor. – 确保安全-没有什么工作重要到需要走捷径去冒险,如果你可能会受到伤害, 哪怕伤害很小,也须立即报告; – Take care of yourself and others – and if you see someone making the wrong choice speak up, either directly or through your manager. – 照顾好你自己和其他人-如果你发现有人做出错误的选择,直接或通过你的 经理,大声说出来; – Reduce, reuse and recycle wherever you can – let’s take care of the planet. – 无论在哪,尽力做到:减少消耗、重复利用和循环使用-让我们一起保护地 球。
Welcome Aboard 欢迎加入Ever feel like you’ve been left to fend for yourself ? Take a look at how it might have been, back in the day…” 是否感觉到你已被要求自我照料,回顾下过去,可能是怎么样的 …”
如果你不知道…“All employees are responsible for knowing and following the safety practices described to them. Should an employee feel inadequately trained to perform a certain task, he or she must immediately discuss the concern with his or her supervisor.” (Business Conduct Guidelines) “所有员工都有责任知道并遵守所告知的安全措施。如果员工感觉到培训不足,难以 去完成工作任务,他或她须立即与他或她的主管进行讨论。”(史丹利百得商业操守
EHS “House” EHS“房屋”5. CONTROL 4. IMPROVEScorecards 符合性审核 COMPLIANCE AUDITS Roadmaps
5. 控制 4. 改善 3. 分析 2. 监测 1. 定义
We follow the DMAIC Model 我们遵循DMAIC模式
Our EHS Management Systems 我们的EHS管理体系
The EHS Roadmap defines our safety program EHS 路线图定义安全程序
Scorecards tell us how we are performing 记分卡告诉我们EH …… 此处隐藏:6839字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……