modern family 第二季好词整理



Modern family

You are such a tattletale 你打小报告

I was at sea 我天崩地裂

Passover 逾越节

I baby it 我在休养

That is a doozy 极好的东西

Crowbar 铁锹

Ground sb. 禁足

Vengeance 复仇

His days are numbered 他时日不多

Might as well with you

Off you go 你可以走了

Let you in sth.泄露

You distracted me 你让我分心

Tacky 俗气的

Sb. Cancelled on me 放我鸽子

Puzzle sth. Out 苦苦思索而得

A hunch 直觉

Menstruation 月经

A Ripple effect 连锁效应

I think I better just go. Better 的用法

I am a mob wife

I am coming between you 我当了小三

A house of pain

I am just so nervous 我就是太紧张了

Trampoline 跳跳床

You betcha 那还用说

Betcha= bet

Curvaceous 曲线美的

Balloon payment 分期付款种最后一笔较大金额的付款

There wasn’t a dry eye in the cartel 在场的人无不泪流满面

That’s what You tell yourself 你自欺欺人

Have you all over me 一直唠叨我

Message received 知道你什么意思了

Rigueur 不可缺少的

What’s your deal today 你今天吃火药了啊

A rare opportunity 千载难逢的机会

Fight the old butterflies

Realtor 房地产经纪人

Knock it off 少来这一套

Don’t be such a snub 不要这么不合群啊

Crush one’s dream


Touchy = sensitive

Pick up the tip 请客

Gasp for breath 岔气了

Fall on your face

You are on the clock 你该出马了

Screw his brain

Fake out 做假动作

Gadgets = tools

Hoity toity 自命不凡,附庸风雅

Squawking 抱怨

I am on board 那就好了

A bar of soap 一块肥皂

Cut corners 抄近路

Cytoplasm 细胞质

Zygote 受精卵

Gamete 生殖细胞

Fall for it 上当受骗

She’s kind of scary 他杀气凛人

Skimp on sth. 在。。。上省钱

Hold a place for you 给你准备备胎

sneak up me 靠近我

Shovel 铲子

You little rats 你这等鼠辈

A jar of pickles 一罐腌菜

Bring it! 放马过来吧

She is Cracking up 她在大笑

We have been shawshanked 我们居然被忽悠了一把

What sets you apart 什么让你出众、与众不同

So tell me about yourself 那么做个自我介绍吧

Blow the interview 面试搞砸了

I am Ticked off 我生气了

Sustenance 食物,生计,衣食父母


Douches 冲洗器

Let’s roll 赶快走

Dog-eat-dog world

Blessing in disguise

Don’t push me away

Less resort

Period 说完了

Typoid 伤寒

Freak out 崩溃

Germ 细菌


Sth. Fall through泡汤,落汤

You got me 你耍了我 Prop 道具

Buffoon 蠢货

Ladyfingers 手指饼干

Your funeral 你就等着遭殃吧

Try a take

Give me the cold shoulder

The pier 码头

Cut the crap 废话少说

Off the top of my head Organ 手风琴

Blow off some steam

Doofus 蠢人

Smoke detectors 烟雾报警器

Hit me hard 醍醐灌顶

That’s a relief 让我放心

Hoedown: a boisterous square dance

Go off the script 自由发挥

Sniff 抽泣

Fill you in on sth. 告诉你。。。

Flash mob 快闪

Rush you around

Choreography 排舞

I have been a child 我太孩子气了

The square root 平方根


Jalopy 老爷车

I serve 发球

Nausea 恶心

Don’t be a hero不要撑着

Chlorine 氯

Lean on 依靠

Force field 力场

Have the round of my life

Corn silk

Quarter 25分

Fanny 屁股

Handsy 手不老实

Squeeze and linger 又捏又挤

Scooch together 挪到一起去

Teal 青色的

Flag on the play 计划有变

You got a real lip 你今天话很多嘛


Growl at me 对我咆哮

Pariah 贱民

Bite my head off 严厉责备我

Bummer 游手好闲的人

Give him a piece of my mind 给他一顿

Hobo 流浪汉

A site note 忠告

Seasoning 调味料

Don’t get me started 不要提了

Chaperon 女伴,监护人

Paper towel 纸巾

Push me away 责备我= bite my head off

Steal my thunder 抢了我的风头

Fake your way through it

I am the Alpha= leader/ boss

Reiki 灵气(一种利用宇宙能量治病和养生的修炼方法)

Barf 呕吐

Border collie

Fire away 开始说吧

It’s well welcoming

Prong 刺

Write sb. Off 赶他出去



Roll your eyes a lot

Lighten the mood 缓解气氛


Get laid 发生关系

Back off 让步

You are all set 你没事了

Namaste 合十礼

Nurturing 有教养

A bunch of my friends 愈多朋友

Pinch 掐我

Talk her ear off

Open ended太随便了

Whack job Mylar balloon


Hang out 出来玩玩

Thump-thump 砰砰

Loudmouth 大嗓门 Want a drink of water

Bozo 笨蛋


Throw sb. Under the bus 把对方推向火坑

Track him down 找到他

In the den 书房

Hold sb. Back 脱。。。的后退

a little off his game 竞技状态不佳

swear a lot 经常骂人

groan 呻吟

have a point 说对了

trailer 预告片

rehash the past 旧事重提

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