chapter 7 Discourse Analysis
Chapter 7 Discourse Analysis
1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Do you hear the ring? We shall begin the class now. Discourse Language above the sentence or above the clause.
Text linguistics/ discourse analysis written spoken Used interchangeably now
1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Discourse analysis Discourse linguistics/ discourse studies/ text analysis
The study of how sentences in spoken and written language form larger meaningful units such as paragraphs, conversations, interviews, etc.
1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Language in use Pragmatics: meaning Discourse analysis: information structure Most powerful instrument: Functional Systemic Grammar
1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Fertilizers put back what the rain and plants take away. Plastic pots are not just substitutes for clay ones. Pears are a little more temperamental than apples. Supporting and training are not quite the same thing.
1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Pick up a handful of soil in your garden. Ordinary, unexciting earth. Yet it is one of Nature’s miracles, and one of her most complex products. Your success as a gardener will largely depend upon its condition, so take the first bold step in gardening --- get to know your soil.
1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis A primary task of DA is to explore the linguistic features which characterize discourse.
The goal of DA is to examine how reader or user of a discourse recognizes that parts of a discourse are dependent on others.
One of the most important features of discourse is cohesion (衔接)
1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Topics of DA: Information structure(信息结构) Cohesion(衔接) Coherence(连贯) Discourse makers(话语标记语 Conversational analysis(回话分析)
2 Information Structure How do language users arrange information within discourse? 2.1 Given and new information Alice: Who ate the bread? Tom : Mary ate the bread.
Given information: known to the addressee New information: unknown to the addressee.
2.1 Given and new information Given information can be introduced by one speaker alone: A man called while you were on your break. He said he’d call back later. Given information can be something closely related to the mentioned information (e.g. meronymy) Kent returned my car last night after borrowing it for the day. One of the wheels was about to fall off and the dashboard was missing.
2.1 Given and new information Forms of N/G information: New-information carriers usually receive more stress, and they are commonly more elaborated, e.g. with a full noun phrase, relative clause or adjectival modifier(s). E.g. When I entered the room, there was a tall man with an old-fashioned hat on, quite elegantly dressed.
2.1 Given and new information
Given information is expressed in shorter forms (pronouns/ unstressed noun phrase/omitted)
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