genetic modified food转基因食物英文版


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ModifiedFood初三(20)班 Jack


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genetically modified food

GMFFor example, genes from a fish have been placed in strawberries and tomatoes.

a plant, animal, or microorganism that is created by means that overcome natural boundaries. Genetic engineering involves crossing species that could not breed in nature.

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I’m ready to take a risk for science. GMF,can’t be denied or I will be one of the people who eat believed withoutmodified rice . genetically experiments.

We should be careful about GMF; I also want to call up a group of young volunteers to eat this strain ofGMF–in a We should recognize rice who will take a riskway and treat different science for human’s development. GM foods in different ways.


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Agricultural(农业)value medicinal value Ecological(生态) value

edibleness 食用价值 Economic(经济)value

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grow faster than the GM crops → traditionally grown crops ↙ ↘ more productive a larger yield多产的


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GM crops can be made resistant to pests害虫 ↓ Saves the use of toxic chemicals有毒化肥 ↓ More environment friendly because they require less herbicides and pesticides.杀虫剂

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GMF Offers more nutritional(营养) value and better flavor . Eg. Vitamin A

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Economic value Reduce extra costs, such as buying chemicals and pesticides(农药).

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Potential danger of GMF

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Toxicity problem

Some researchers believe that for artificial refining and added genes, can be achieved in some people want to achieve the effect of at the same time, also increase and accumulate the original traces of poison in the food.

毒性问题一些研究学者认为,对于基因的人工提炼和添加, 可能在达到某些人们想达到的效果的同时,也增加和 积聚了食物中原有的微量毒素。

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Allergy problem

For a food allergy sometimes food allergic to a previously they do not produce allergic, such as: the scientists added a gene of corn to the walnut, wheat, and shellfish gene, protein is added with gene, so, before eat corn can people who are allergic to the nuts, wheat, and shellfish food allergies.


对于一种食物过敏的人,有时还会对一种以前他们 不过敏的食物产生过敏,比如:科学家将玉米的某一 段基因加入到核桃、小麦和贝类动物的基因中,蛋白 质也随基因加了进去,那么,以前吃玉米过敏的人就 可能对这些核桃、小麦和贝类食品过敏。

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Resistance to antibiotics

When the scientists a foreign gene into the plant or bacteria, this gene and other genes connected together. People after using the improved food, food will be in the human body resistance genes to pathogenic bacteria, make human body resistance.


当科学家把一个外来基因加入到植物或细菌中去, 这个基因会与别的基因连接在一起。人

们在服用了这 种改良食物后,食物会在人体内将抗药性基因传给致 病的细菌,使人体产生抗药性。

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Present Situation and Future Development

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GM food in world

Widely planted



America Canada Argentina阿根廷

Most European counreies

China and many other countries


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