



钟华, 曾光明, 黄国和, 傅海燕, Zhong Hua, Zeng Guangming, Huang Guohe, FuHaiyan

钟华,曾光明,傅海燕,Zhong Hua,Zeng Guangming,Fu Haiyan(湖南大学环境科学与工程系,长沙,410082), 黄国和,Huang Guohe(里贾纳大学工学院 Saskatoon S4S 0A2加拿大)高技术通讯



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11.Dubey K;Juwarkar A Distillery and curd whey wastes as viable alternative sources forbiosurfactant production 2001

12.Rosenberg E;Ron E Z High-and low-molecular-mass microbial surfactants 1999

13.Desai J D;Banat I M Microbial production of surfactants and their commercial potential[外文期刊]1997(01)

14.Kollmer A;Schmid A;Rohr R V On liquid-liquid mass transfer in two-liquid-phase fermentations[外文期刊] 1999

15.Fleck L C;Bicca F C;Ayub M A Z Physiological aspects of hydrocarbon emulsification,metalresistance and DNA profile of biodegrading bacteria isolated from oil polluted sites[外文期刊]2000(4)

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