oracle ocm认证课程 官方教程gridcontrol_les08_host
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Common Managed Targets: Host
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After completing this lesson, you should be able to: View host operating system and hardware information Compare configurations Describe the monitoring capabilities Discuss interactive multitarget host commands Open a telnet session Use Remote File Editor Manage and monitor the performance of host targets
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Managing Hosts
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g provides: The ability to centrally monitor and manage an array of server platforms Comprehensive configuration management The ability to perform common administrative tasks Proactive availability and performance monitoring– Proactively monitor heterogeneous host environments – Have access to a comprehensive set of performance metrics collected out-of-box – Take advantage of user-defined metrics to customize performance monitoring – Analyze performance trends
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Host Home Page
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Host Configuration
The Host Configuration page lists and enables you to view: Operating system configuration Hardware configuration Oracle software on the host Operating system–registered software on the host
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Comparing Host Configurations
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Operating System Details
This provides information about the operating system, such as: The distributor The version Drill-down capabilities to:– Specific system properties – File systems – Operating system–level packages
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Hardware Details
This provides information about the hardware, such as: CPU I/O Network interfaces Disk capacity Memory Link to historical information
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Monitoring Features
Grid Control offers powerful host-monitoring features such as: Log File Monitoring Program Resource Utilization Monitoring File and Directory Monitoring
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Log File Monitoring
Log File Monitoring provides a generic log file–monitoring facility for the occurrence of operator-specified
patterns that: Enables setting of multiple patterns against the same file Allows multiple files to be monitored Scans log files periodically (once in every 15 minutes by default) Scans new content during each scan (scans from the beginning of the file upon file rotation)
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Program Resource Utilization Monitoring
With Grid Control, you can track resource use for programs and users and look for trends in resource usage for: A specific program or set of programs A specific user or set of users A combination of programs and users
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File and Directory Monitoring
Grid Control monitors operator-specified files or directories, or both. The metrics that can be monitored include: File or Directory Attribute Not Found File or Directory Permissions File or Directory Size (MB) File or Directory Size Change Rate (KB/minute)
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Storage Resource Tracking
With Enterprise Manager, you can track storage resource allocation and usage by providing: Storage details showing storage resource allocation and usage for one host or a group of hosts Topology-related information for different storage layers Summary attributes rolled up for one or multiple associated hosts Historical usage information for trend analysis
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Storage Details
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Host Administration
Grid Control provides the following facilities to enable you to administer your hosts: Execute Host Command Open Telnet Session Remote File Editor Job System Host Deployments
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Executing a Host Command
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