电大英语3 形考答案3(3)
–Silk __________ by Chinese for thousands of years now. 参考答案:has been used
–That place is _____________ the south of the city. 参考答案:in
–That’s all settled. It _____ talked about. 参考答案:needn’t be
–The bedroom needs ____________. 参考答案:decorating
–The blue whale is _______ largest animal in the world. 参考答案:the
–The boat went ___ on the rough sea. 参考答案:up and down
–The book had a great impact ___ its readers. 参考答案:on
–The boss __ our holiday by two more days. 参考答案:extended
–The bridge __ the banks of the river. 参考答案:links
–The bridge _________ by the farmers themselves in 1982. 参考答案:was built
–The delay was ____ heavy traffic. 参考答案:due to
–The doctor asked him to __. 参考答案:go on a diet
–The dog __ a hole in my trousers yesterday. 参考答案:bit
–The Germans, as __, are often thought to be well organized. 参考答案:a nation
–The girl __ his father. 参考答案:looked up to
–The girl is keen __ music. 参考答案:on
–The girl was __ about her new toy. 参考答案:over the moon
–The king had the greatest power in __ times. 参考答案:ancient
–The land __ sharply away from the house. 参考答案:declines
–The patient acted on the doctor’s _________ and finally recovered.参考答案:advice
–The photograph seems quite __. 参考答案:recent
–The policeman was attacked ________ a knife . 参考答案:with
–The problem is_____by pollution. 参考答案:caused
–The road ______________ built last year. 参考答案:was
–The roof needs _______. 参考答案:repairing
–The sound outside distracted him ____ his homework. 参考答案:from
–The teacher __ for breaking the window. 参考答案:told him off
–There are many differences ____ the two languages. 参考答案:between
–These old housed are to be knocked_____. 参考答案:off
–They _ for almost two years. 参考答案:have been married
–They __ the football match because it rained today. 参考答案:cancelled
–They __ the old house and built a restaurant. 参考答案:demolished
–They ______ the train until it disappeared in the distance. 参考答案:watched
–They are doing some __ on AIDS. 参考答案:research
–They had a good time at the __. 参考答案;funfair
–They held a dinner __ the important guests. 参考答案:in honour of
–They were convicted ___ having killed 20 persons. 参考答案:of
–This medicine will __ you a good night’s sleep.参考答案:ensure
–Those cakes look nice. Can I have______________? 参考答案:one
–Time is money! We should ______ our time. 参考答案:make good use of –Tom __ Helen four years ago. 参考答案:married
–Under the tree was __ an old man. 参考答案:lying
–We __ each other for almost three years. 参考答案:have been in love with –We __________ every day when we were children. 参考答案:used to swim
–We are all __ being a Chinese. 参考答案:proud of
–We are trying to __ funds for the poor people. 参考答案:raise
–We have our office ____________ every day by a cleaner. 参考答案:cleaned
–We must make a difference between _____ language and _____language. 参考答案:spoken, written –We were deeply __ at what he said. 参考答案:disappointed
1844+U12 参考答案第3 页共8 页
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