解读金属材料表面工程的应用与发展 The development and application of surface engineering of metal materials 外表工程学是一门触及资料科学、冶金技能、机械工程等很多范畴的归纳学科,包含外表科学理论、外表工程技能、外表工程技能设计、外表剖析与检测技能、外表质量与技能进程操控工程、外表工程办理与经济剖析等几个方面。其间外表工程技能是和出产实践联络最为亲近的,一起也代表着出产技能水平的高 低。科学技能的开展和前进对出产设备与仪器提出了更高的需要,杂乱多变的工 况检测着资料功能的好坏,必须在确保经济性前提下,归纳运用各种高新技能进步和改进金属资料功能。
Surface engineering is a discipline information science touch induction, metallurgy, mechanical engineering skills in many areas, including the appearance of scientific theory, the appearance of engineering skills, appearance design, engineering skills appearance analysis and detection technology, the surface quality and skills of project management, process control engineering appearance and economic analysis etc.. The appearance of engineering skills and production practice of the most intimate contact, also represents the level of production technology. The development of science and technology and the progress on production