[正] That my brother will pass the English exam is no question. [析] 主语从句的引导词that是不可省略的。这一点不要和宾语从句的引导词相提并论。
[误] This map will show you how will you get to the hotel. [正] This map will show you how you will get to the hotel.
[析] 名词性从句作宾语从句使用时,最重要的一点是要用陈述语句。特别要注意的是那些使用双宾语的动词,如:tell, ask, show… [误] While the clock struch ten, all the lights went out.
[正] When the clock struck ten, all the lights went out.
[析] while是强调两个动作在同时进行中,如:While I am doing myhomework, my father is reading a newspaper. 而这里的when是"正当某某时刻","就在这一时间点上",其重点强调在某一特定时刻某动作的发生。
[误] While I was walking along the street yesterday, I met an old friend.
[正] When I was walking along the street yesterday, I met an old friend.
[析] 这里用when表达在一个动作的进行中,另一个动作突然发生了。正在进行的动作用一进行时态,而突然发生的动作用一般时态。 [误] While I heard the bad news I felt sad.
[正] When I heard the bad news, I felt sad.