6.Oral Practice
Unit SevenThe Glorious Messiness of English Oral Practice
Oral Practice: 1. 玛丽做作业时从不请人帮忙,她从不依 赖别人。 Mary never asks others for help in doing her homework. She is far too independent for that.
Oral Practice: 2. 严格来说他不是南方人。虽然他出生在南 方,但童年的大部分时间是在(美国东 北部的)新英格兰度过的。 Strictly speaking, he is not a southerner. Though he was born in the south, he spent a good part of his childhood years in New England.
Oral Practice: 3. 春节刚过,数百万的年轻人离开农村,
到城里找工作。Right after the Spring Festival, millions of young people drifted from the country to the cities in search of work.
Oral Practice: 4. 汤姆无论是长相还是脾气都很像 他的父亲。 Tom resembles his father both in appearance and in character.
Oral Practice: 5. 这个地区几乎没有失业的现象。 There is now virtually no unemployment in this part of the country.
Oral Practice: 6. 二战期间,日本人侵略了中国并犯下 了滔天罪行,这一点无法否认。 There is no denying the fact that Japan invaded China and committed many serious crimes against the Chinese people during the Second World War.
Oral Practice: 7. 医学专家认为人类想要战胜癌症还 需要很多年的时间。 Medical scientists expect it will be many years before cancer is conquered.
Oral Practice: 8. 这部小说的情节非常引人入胜,这正 说明了它为什么名列畅销书榜首。 The novel has a fascinating plot. This explains why it has remained number one on the best-seller list.
Oral Practice:
9. 今天中午我非常忙,所以我只有吃顿快 餐的时间。I was so busy during the lunch hour today that I had time only for a quick snack.
Oral Practice: 10. 我们将把这些不同的理论付诸实践,看看 哪一个更好。 The different theories will be put into practice in order to see which one works better.
Oral Practice: 11. 滚石乐队(Rolling Stone)的许多唱片已经 成了摇滚乐的经典唱片。 Many of the Rolling Stone’s records have become rock classics.
Oral Practice: 12. 相信我吧,我的消息来源绝对可靠。 Believe me. I’ve got the information from a reliable source.
Oral Practice: 13. 我们很少遇到这样恶劣的天气,这儿
的气候一向很温和。We rarely have such terrible weather. The climate here is usually very mild.
Oral Practice: 14. 侵略者最终放下武器投降了。 The invaders finally put down their arms and surrendered.
Oral Practice: 15. 树林里奇怪的响声先引起了我们的怀疑。 Our suspicions were first aroused when we heard some strange noises in the woods.
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