… he must anticipate and overcome resistance to his plans. (Para.3) anticipate: v. 1) to expect or realize beforehand; to foresee e.g. The experts are anticipating the negative effects of air pollution. anticipate: v. 2) to deal with or use before proper time 预支 e.g. Ted was not used to saving monthly and he would always anticipate his income. The essence of a game is the interdependence of player strategies. (Para.4) Paraphrase: The key principal of a game is that player strategies are dependent on each other. essence: n.1) the quality which makes a thing what it is; the inner nature or most important quality of a thing e.g. The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence. essence: n. 2) extract obtained from a substance by taking out as much of the mass as possible e.g. milk essence; essence of peppermint (椒薄荷、椒薄荷油) 椒薄荷、 interdependence: n. the quality or fa
ct of depending on each other inter-为前缀, 意为 between each other, 类似的词还有 interchange、 intermarry、 international、 interview 等。 A general principle for a player in a sequential-move game is to look ahead and reason back. (Para.5) Paraphrase: A commonly-applied rule for a participant in a sequential game is to anticipate and think logically in turn. reason: v. to form or try to reach conclusions by connected thought; to think out e.g. (1) Man’s ability to reason makes him different from the animal. (2) I reason in this way about the matter. In principle, any sequential game that ends after a finite sequence of moves… (Para.6) finite: a. limited; having bounds e.g. The petroleum supply is finite for humankind. infinite: a. without limits; having no bounds; (number that cannot be calculated) e.g. infinite space. In contrast to the linear chain of reasoning for sequential games, a game with simultaneous moves involves a logical circle. (Para.7) Paraphrase: A game with simultaneous move requires a logical circular thinking, which is totally different from the linear chain of reasoning for sequential games. … in ignorance of the others’ current actions. (Para.7) ignorance: n. being lacking of knowledge or uninformed e.g. The manager was offended by the ignorance of his plans. The logical circle is squared … (Para.8)
square the circle: to attempt sth. impossible 做(似乎是)不可能的事 When we say that an outcome is an equilibrium, there is no presumption that each person’s privately best choice will lead to a collectively optimal result. (Para.10) Paraphrase: When we mention that game result is an equilibrium, there is no assurance that each player’s best choice will lead to the best effect for all the players.此句是一个复合句,when 引导时间状语从句,主句 there is no presumption 中又包含一个同位语从 句 that each person’s privately best choice will lead to a collectively optimal result,修饰 presumption。
But in spite of these flaws … (Para.11) flaw: n. imperfection; crack; invalidating defect in document e.g. There was a fatal flaw in his argument that he gave an inaccurate definition. Such cooperative behavior can be achieved in repeated plays of the game because the temporary gain from cheating (confession) can be outweighed by the long-run loss due to the breakdown of cooperation. (Para.13) Paraphrase: Since the long-term loss brings more harmful effects than the temporary gain from cheating (confession) once cooperation breaks down, cooperative behavior can be achieved in repeated plays of the game. outweigh: v. to exceed in weight, value, importance or influence e.g. Many athletes believe that disadvantages of taking dopes (兴奋剂、麻醉剂) far 兴奋剂、 outweigh the advantages. out- 为 前 缀 , 意 为 in a way that surpasses, exceeds, or goes beyond 。 常 见 词 有 outargue/outbalance/outbid/outclass/outdo/outdrive/outeat/outgo/outle
arn/outlive/outplay。 Game theory quantifies this insight and details the right proportions of such mixtures. (Para.14) insight: n. piece of knowledge obtained, understanding; power of seeing into sth. with the mind e.g. (1) a man of deep insight (2) Good teachers have insight into the problems of students. By so doing, he removes his own temptation to renege (食言、 ) on a promise or to forgive 否认 others’ transgressions (违犯、犯规). (Para.15) Paraphrase: By so doing, he can resist the temptation to break his own promise or to excuse for others’ offense. Recall Winston Churchill’s dictum of hiding the truth in a “bodyguard of lies”. (Para.19) recall: v. 1) to bring back to mind; to remember something e.g. (1) Twenty years later he could still clearly recall the event. (2) I seem to recall seeing the document. recall: v. 2) to order the return of a person who belongs to an organization e.g. The ambassador was recalled when war broke out.
III. Background Information
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