A B B C C D D E e F f G g A
H I I J J K K L L M m N n H
O P P Q Q R R S s T t O
U V V W w X x Y y Z Z U
Consonant table
P M f d t n l b
K H J Q x g
Z o s zhchshr
Integrated reading: Zhi, Chi, RI, Zi, CI, Si, Shi
Yi, Wu, Yu, ye, Yue, Yin, Yun, yuan, Ying
The first letter of the Chinese phonetic alphabet is sometimes capitalized, summed up mainly in the following circumstances:
1 Chinese names. The first letter of the last name and the name of the first letter should be capitalized. Such as Zhang
Hui (Zhang Hui) Z and H to capitalize. The name and position of the word, such as the composition of the words, the first name of the beginning of the first letter to be capitalized, and the rest of the letter lowercase. Such as Lao Wang
Shi (Wang) W to capital. But the old, small, big, and so on the title, the beginning of the first letter should be capitalized. Such as Liu X (Liu) L, Xiao to capital.
2 Chinese names, proper nouns (such as title, organization, group, etc.) of the first letter to capital. Such as Jing Bei (Beijing) B to capitalize, Hai S (Shanghai) Shang to capital, Bo Ning
(Ningbo) N. If the proper noun phrase is, according to the word write, the first letter of each word to uppercase. Such as Renmin Zhonghua
Gongheguo (people's Republic of China), China's first letter Z, the people of the first letter R, the first letter of the Republic of the G capital.
The first letter of each sentence must be capitalized at the beginning of the 3; if it is poetry, the first letter of the beginning of each line must also be capitalized.
4 the name of the trade mark and the store, the general capital of each letter.
Knowledge points of Chinese characters
The understanding of common Chinese characters 3000 or so, about 2500 will write. Do the correct pronunciation, recognize the shape, meaning and understanding, to correctly understand and use in