642-832 TSHOOT(2)



642-832 TSHOOT

642-832 TSHOOT Exam Topics

Recommended Training

The following course is the recommended training for this exam:

Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Switched Networks (TSHOOT)

Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT) is a five day instructor-ledcourse and 9.5 hours of related e-learning designed for network engineers with at leastone year of professional work experience, who are ready to advance their skills and workindependently on complex network solutions. Students will learn to (1) plan and performregular maintenance on complex enterprise routed and switched networks and (2) usetechnology-based practices and a systematic ITIL-compliant approach to perform networktroubleshooting. Extensive labs provide for hands-on learning and reinforce troubleshootingskills.

The course listed is offered by Cisco Learning Partners the authorized source for CiscoIT training delivered exclusively by Certified Cisco Instructors. For a list of Cisco LearningPartners, use the Learning Partner Locator.

Additional Resources

A variety of Cisco Press titles may be available for this exam. These titles can be purchasedthrough the Cisco Marketplace Bookstore, directly from Cisco Press.

CCNP TSHOOT Exam Certification Guide, February 2010 CCNP TSHOOT Cert Kit: Video, Flash Cards and Quick Reference Preparation Pack, April 2010 CCNP TSHOOT Self-Study Guide, April 2010

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