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六年级上册英语单词 Vocabulary
Module 1 Country life
Unit 1 what are those farmers
field [fi ːld] n.田 pick [p ɪk] v. 摘 grass [gr ɑːs] n. 草
feed [fi ːd] v. 饲养;喂养 give [g ɪv] v. 给
cow [ka ʊ] n. 奶牛;母牛
sheep [ʃi ːp] n. 绵羊(单复数一样) other ['ʌðə] adj. 其他;别的;pron. 其他的人(或事)
few [fju ː] adj. 极少;几乎没有 a few 几(个、条、……) * goat [g əʊt] n. 山羊
*goose [gu ːs] n. 鹅(复数是geese ) river ['r ɪv ə] n. 河;江
Unit 2 A country life is a healthy
country ['k ʌntr ɪ] n. 农村 life [la ɪf] n. 生活
grandparent ['græn(d)pe ər(ə)nt] n.祖父(母);外祖父(母) a.m. abbr. 上午 milk [m ɪlk] v. 挤奶
ride [ra ɪd]v. 骑(过去式是rode ) take [te ɪk] v. 花费 still [st ɪl] adv. 仍然
help ……with …… 在……(方面)帮助 air [e ə] n. 空气
Module 2 City life
Unit 3 Where are you from?
city ['s ɪt ɪ] n. 城市
student ['stju ːd(ə)nt]n. 学生 New York n. 纽约
America [ə'm ɛr ɪk ɚ]n. 美国;美洲 quiet ['kwa ɪət] adj. 安静的 cheap [t ʃi ːp] adj. 便宜的
modern ['m ɒd(ə)n] adj. 现代化的 noisy ['n ɒɪz ɪ] adj. 嘈杂的 wide [wa ɪd] adj. 宽阔的
crowded ['kra ʊd ɪd] adj. 拥挤的
hotel [h əʊ'tel; əʊ-] n. 酒店,宾馆comfortable ['k ʌmf(ə)t əb(ə)l]adj.舒服的 heavy ['hev ɪ] adj. 拥挤的;大量的 slow [sl əʊ] adj. 慢;缓慢
Unit 4 I like the city very much
Postcard ['p əʊs(t)k ɑːd] n. 明信片 dirty ['d ɜːt ɪ] adj. 脏的 afraid [ə'fre ɪd] adj. 害怕 be afraid …… 害怕…… because [b ɪ'k ɒz] conj. 因为 sell [sel] v. 出售
countryside ['k ʌntr ɪsa ɪd] n. 农村 theatre ['θɪət ə] n. 剧院 all day 整天 miss [m ɪs] v.想念
Module 3 Health
Unit 5 What ’s the matter with you?
health [helθ] n. 健康 matter ['mæt ə] n. 事情
What’s the matter? 怎么回事 ill [ɪl] adj. 病的
stomachache ['st ʌm əke ɪk] n. 肚子疼 ate [et] v. 吃 (eat 的过去式)
hear [h ɪə] v. 听到 (过去式是heard ) I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个我感到很难过。
hour ['a ʊə] n. 小时
gave [ɡeɪv] v. 给 (give 的过去式) check-up ['t ʃek ʌp] n. 检查 take [te ɪk] v. 服(药)
medicine ['meds(ə)n; 'med ɪs ɪn] n. 药 time [ta ɪm] n. 次 toothache n. 牙疼 candy ['kænd ɪ] n. 糖果 brush [br ʌʃ] v. 刷
twice [twa ɪs] num. 两次
broken ['br əʊk(ə)n] adj. 断了的