Version: G/14/6/21/1 SAFETY
Robots execute quick movements in the individual axes, which can lead to dangers of accidentfor persons.
To protect personnel against potential dangers, robots come equipped with the appropriatesafety equipment.
Safety equipment must not be modified or be put out of function! Checkthe safety equipment before the operation of the machine.
When a safety equipment defect is detected:
4.Stop machine operations and switch the motors OFF.Do not carry out any further activity on the robot.Immediatly contact in-house personnel responsible for equipment safety.Resume machine operations only after the functionality of the safety equipment isguaranteed.
During the operation the movement area of the robot
must not be entered and not be reached into it by no means!
During work on the injection molding machine/on the robot or within the safety guarding youmust move the robot into a protected position.CAUTION!
Caution must be used during machine set-up and operation, as incor-rect settings can lead to equipment damage.
Settings must be compatible to the function of the machine, mold, mate-rial and peripheral units.
ENGEL is not liable in respect to operational errors.
Additional safety hints found throughout this manual must be observed.
instruction manual - robot
上一篇:实验三 植物病原细菌