



Determine the Miller indices for the planes shown in the following unit cell:

3.61* Sketch within a cubic unit cell the following planes:

3.62 Sketch the atomic packing of (a) the (100)

plane for the FCC crystal structure, and (b) the (111) plane for the BCC crystal structure (similar to Figures 3.24b and 3.25b).

3.77 Explain why the properties of polycrystalline materials are most often


5.1 Calculate the fraction of atom sites that are vacant for lead at its melting

temperature of 327_C. Assume an energy for vacancy formation of 0.55


5.7 If cupric oxide (CuO) is exposed to reducing atmospheres at elevated

temperatures, some of the Cu2_ ions will become Cu_.

(a) Under these conditions, name one crystalline defect that you would expect to form in order to maintain charge neutrality.

(b) How many Cu_ ions are required for the creation of each defect?

5.8 Below, atomic radius, crystal structure, electronegativity, and the most common

valence are tabulated, for several elements; for those that are nonmetals, only

atomic radii are indicated.

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