第13章 维纳过程和伊藤引理
陕西师范大学 国际商学院曹培慎
Chapter 13 Wiener Processes and Itô’s Lemma 维纳过程和伊藤引理
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 8th Edition, Copyright © John C. Hull 2012
随机过程(stochastic [sto'kæst k] process)的 含义
随机变量 静态 随机向量 随机序列 动态 随机过程
每时每刻都是一个随机变量。按时间顺序排列的 随机变量集。 随机变量服从于某分布,随机过程遵循某种过程。
按时间(参数空间)离散时间(discrete time) 连续时间(continuous time)
按变量(状态空间)离散变量(discrete variable) 连续变量(continuous variable)
本章将建立关于股票价格的连续变量、连续时间 的随机过程模型。 定价中的一个重要原理:伊藤引理(Ito`s Lemma)
Stochastic Processes
Describes the way in which a variable such as a stock price, exchange rate or interest rate changes through time Incorporates uncertainties
Example 1
Each day a stock price
increases by $1 with probability 30% stays the same with probability 50% reduces by $1 with probability 20%
Example 2
Each day a stock price change is drawn from a normal distribution with mean $0.2 and standard deviation $1
13.1 马尔科夫过程 Markov Processes
In a Markov process future movements in a variable depend only on where we are, not the history of how we got to where we are Is the process followed by the temperature at a certain place Markov? We assume that stock prices follow Markov processes
人们在实际中常遇到具有下述特性的随机过程:在已知它 所处的状态的条件下,它未来的演变不依赖于它以往的演 变。这种已知“现在”的条件下,“将来”与“过去”独 立的特性称为马尔可夫性,具有这种性质的随机过程叫做 马尔可夫过程。 荷花池中一只青蛙的跳跃是马尔可夫过程的一个形象化的 例子。青蛙依照它瞬间或起的念头从一片荷叶上跳到另一 片荷叶上,因为青蛙是没有记忆的,当所处的位置已知时, 它下一步跳往何处和它以往走过的路径无关。如果将荷叶 编号并用X0,X1,X2,…分别表示青蛙最初处的荷叶号码及 第一次、第二次、……跳跃后所处的荷叶号码,那么{Xn, n≥0} 就是马尔可夫过程。
Weak-Form Market Efficiency
This asserts that it is impossible to produce consistently superior returns with a trading rule based on the past history of stock prices. In other words technical analysis does not work. A Markov process for stock prices is consistent with weak-form market efficiency
13.2 连续时间随机过程
A variable is currently 40 It follows a Markov process Process is stationary (i.e. the par
ameters of the process do not change as we move through time) At the end of 1 year the variable will have a normal probability distribution with mean 40 and standard deviation 10
What is the probability distribution of the stock price at the end of 2 years? ½ years? ¼ years? Dt years? Taking limits we have defined a continuous stochastic process
Variances & Standard Deviations
In Markov processes changes in successive periods of time are independent This means that variances are additive Standard deviations are not additive
Variances & Standard Deviations (continued)
In our example it is correct to say that the variance is 100 per year. It is strictly speaking not correct to say that the standard deviation is 10 per year.
13.2.1 标准维纳过程 A Wiener Process
Define f(m,v) as a normal distribution with mean m and variance v A variable z follows a Wiener process if
Dt内的变化The change in z in a small interval of time Dt is Dz
Dz Dt w here is f(0,1)The values of Dz for any 2 different (non-overlapping) periods of time are independent(马尔科夫性质)
Properties of a Wiener Process
T 内的变化 Dz Mean of [z (T ) – z (0)] is 0 Variance of [z (T ) – z (0)] is T Standard deviation of [z (T ) – z (0)] is
3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5
10.5 0
0 -0.5
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