


on the first place in a speech contest. (第一名)
32. I'm taking 19 credit hours. (我修十九个学分。)
33. I don't wasn't to cut class〖旷课;逃学〗.
34. Have you ever-studied French? (你学过法文吗?)
35. What's the book abort? (这本书写什么?)
36. She is giving me piano lessons in exchange for her English classes.
37. Where did you go to high school?
38. What do you call this in English? (怎么称呼这个?)
39. How do you pronounce this word? (怎么念?)
40. How do you spell it? (如何拼写?)
41. How do you say that in English? (用英文怎么说?)
42. What's the meaning of NATO? /What does NATO mean? /What does NATO stand for? (NATO代表什么?)
43. How does "live" differ from "leave"? (有什么不同?)
44. What's the difference between A and B?
45. I can't express myself very well in English.
46. How well do I speak English? (我英文说得怎么样?)


1. What do you do for a living? (你以什么为生?)
2. I'm with the Bank of China.
3. What position do you hold? (你的职位是什么?)
4. I'm in charge of the sales department.
5. I'm tired of working all day. (我厌倦整天工作。)
6. I'm off today. (我今天休假。)
7. I have two days off a week. (我一星期休息两天。)
8. What kind of job do you have?
9. What's your occupation? (你的职业是什么?)
10. What business are you in? (你从事哪一行?)
11. What do you do, if I may ask? /Whom do you work for?
12. What's your position in the company?
13. Is he still with IBM? (他还在IBM工作吗?)
14. I moonlight as a reporter. (我兼职当记者。)
15. The professor runs a restaurant on the side〖副业〗.
16. I work part time〖兼职〗at the gas station.
17. I'm unemployed out of a job〖失业〗at the moment.
18. Stone has been out of work for three months.
19. What's the starting salary in your company?
20. He has a white-collar job〖白领工作〗.
21. He is a salesman or something. (推销员之类的人。)
22. Do you have any openings〖空缺〗for a typist?
23. That's a pretty good salary. (那待遇很好。)
24. He has the advantage of a good education. (他有受良好教育的优势。)
25. Could you work in her place? (你能代替她吗?)
26. She was hired on the spot〖当场〗by the company.
27. I'm looking for somebody fit for the work.
28. We need a man who knows the ropes〖内行〗.
29. He jumps from one job to another. (他经常换工作。)
30. What's your new job like? (你的新工作是什么性质?)
31. He is equal to the task. (他能胜任这个工作。)
32. He is a leader in his fiel
d. (他是他行业的领导者。)
33. That's just what you are cut out for〖正是你适合〗.
34. He is new at the work /green to the work. (没经验)
35. I'm fresh out of

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