推广策略06-objectives and budget


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6Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotional Program


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Stages in IMC Planning Process

Introduction: Review of the Marketing Plan Situation analysis Establish objectives Determine budgets Develop IMC program Implement IMC program Monitor and Evaluate IMC program2011/2/7 2

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Common Objectives

Create and maintain a brand image Increase customer awareness and curiosity change consumer’s beliefs and attitudes about a brand influence purchase intentions simulate trial use convert one-time users into repeat purchasers switch consumers from competing brands encourage brand loyalty stimulate more frequent use increase sales2011/2/7 3

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Communication versus Sales Objectives

Sales Objectives–

based on sales, market share, profit, or ROI

Communication Objectivesspecific communication tasks – based on response hierarchy – recognizes that sales are not always primary goal–


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Not all Ads are Designed to Achieve Sales


MBA Intergrated Marketing Communication,推广策略(整合营销沟通)原文投影片

Some Communications Use Nontraditional Methods

2011/2/7© 2007 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

MBA Intergrated Marketing Communication,推广策略(整合营销沟通)原文投影片

Problems With Sales Objectives

Sales are a function of many factors, not just advertising and promotion. Effects of IMC tools such as advertising often occur over an extended time period. Sales objectives provide little guidance to those responsible for planning and developing the IMC program


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Many Factors Influence Sales

Product Quality






The Economy

Price Policy


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Advertising and Movement Toward ActionRelated behavioral dimensions Movement toward purchase Types of promotions and advertising at each step

ConativeRealm of motives. Ads stimulate or direct desires.


Point of purchase Retail store ads, Deals “Last-chance” offers Price appeals, Testimonials

Conviction Preference LikingCompetitive ads Argumentative copy “Image” copy Status, glamour appeals Announcements Descriptive copy Classified ads Slogans, jingles, skywriting Teaser campaigns9

AffectiveRealm of emotions. Ads change attitudes and feelings

CognitiveRealm of thoughts. Ads provide information and facts.2011/2/7



MBA Intergrated Marketing Communication,推广策略(整合营销沟通)原文投影片

When Sales Objectives Are Appropriate

For promotional efforts that are direct action in nature and can induce an immediate behavioral response.Sales promotion Direct response advertising Retail advertising for sales or special events

When advertising plays a dominant role in a firm’s marketing program and other factors are relatively stable When sales effects of an IMC variable can be isolated.2011/2/7 10

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Sales Objectives are Appropriate for Direct Response Advertising


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Sales As Advertising Objectives

2011/2/7© 2007 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

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Communication Objectives

The primary goal of an IMC program is to communicate and pla

nning should be based on communications objectives such as brand awareness, knowledge, interest, attitudes, image and purchase intention


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Pyramid of Communications Effects5% Use 20% Trial 25% Preference 40% Liking 70% Knowledge 90% Awareness2011/2/7© 2007 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

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The DAGMAR Approach

Define Advertising Goals for Measuring Advertising Results2011/2/7


Comprehension Comprehension



© 2007 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

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Characteristics of Objectives

Good Objectives Should Include:Concrete, Measurable Communication Tasks Well-Defined Target Audience Have an Existing Benchmark Measure Specify Degree of Change Sought Specific Time Period


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Budgeting Decisions

Budgeting decisions involve determining how much money will be spent on advertising and promotion each year and how the monies will be allocated

Two major decisions Establishing the size of the budget Allocating the budget


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