


the recent news about peopleoccasionally being killed by their airbags in

low-speed collisions (碰撞),they obviously still needsome development. But they aren't going away, and in fact, you can expect to see cars appearingwith

additional, side-impact airbags, something some European car manufacturers already offer. Better than systems to minimize (使减少到最低限度) injury in the event of an accident, however, are systems that minimize the likelihood of an accident happening in the first place. Future cars may be able to eliminate many of the major causes of accidents, including drunk-driving, tailgating (与前车距离过近) and sleepiness. Cars could be equipped with sensors that can

detectalcohol in a driver's system and prevent the car from being started, for example. Many accidents are caused by people following the car in front too closely. As early as next year, you'll be able tobuy cars with radar-equipped control systems. If the radar determines you're closing too quickly with the car in front, it will ease up on the throttle (油门). For city streets, expect other radar devicesthat will give advance warning that the car in front of you has slowed abruptly (突然地) and you should step on the brakes-or that may even brake for you. Will cars eventually be able to drive themselves? There's no reason to think it won't be technicallypossible, and Mercedes is working on a system that can brake, accelerate and steer a vehicle down a highway on its own. Nobody really expects people to give up all control to their cars, but such systems could be used as failsafe systems to keep cars on the road and bring them safely to a stopeven if the driver suddenly became disabled.

许多其他小男孩一样,我被迷住了汽车,并非最不重要因为我最古老的 brotherwas 有点一辆车的家伙和订阅酷杂志像汽车和驱动程序以及电机 Trend.Every 所以常常,那些杂志之一将在未来的汽车上运行一篇文章。他们推荐非常规的造型和之类的小型核反应堆作为动力源。然而,坦率地说,我的车不做任何事,我弟弟史蒂倍克没有做。不言而喻,它停止,以汽油,它播放的音乐。我仍然要避开它,和它仍然运行到的东西,如果我不小心地避开它。 但你猜怎么着?所有这些事情都如有变更,在不远的将来。它还会去和停止,但它可能不烧汽油、 可能没有来引导,和它可能是很多不会撞到东西的花花世界。 安全气囊不会全部和最终的安全。事实上,考虑到最近的新闻关于 peopleoccasionally 被杀害他们安全气囊在低速碰撞 (碰撞),他们显然仍甜头发展。他们并没有离开,而事实上,你会看到汽车 appearingwith 另外,侧面碰撞安全气囊,一些欧洲汽车制造商已经提供的东西。 比系统最小化 (使减少到最低限度) 损伤发生的事故,然而,尽量减少事故发生的可能性的系统发生的放在第一位。未来的汽车可能能够消除了许多事故,包括醉酒驾驶、 跟车太贴 (与前车距离过近) 和嗜睡的主要原因。汽车可以配备可以 detectalcohol 驱动程序系统中的传感器和防止汽车被启动,例如。许多事故是由人在前面太密切跟踪那辆车造成的。最早在明年,你将能买汽车装有雷达控制系统.如果雷达确定你结束得太快与前面的车,它将有所缓解节气门 (油门)。为城市的街道,预期其他雷达 devicesthat 会给事先警告你前面的车已经突然放缓 (突然地),你应该踩刹车-或,甚至可能为你刹车。 汽车最终将能激励自己的动力吗?有没有理由认为它不会是 technicallypossible 和奔驰正在研究一个系统,可以制动、 加速和引导车辆沿着高速公路。没人真正希望人们放弃所有控制他们的汽车,但这种系统可以用作故障安全系统汽车的道路上并使他们安全地到 stopeven 如果司机突然成为残疾

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